Who Am I? Reframing a Neurodivergent’s Sense of Self

For young adults on the spectrum, the journey to living independently can have many steps. At CIP’s transition program, we find it crucial to help our students to reframe their understanding of who they really are. Generally, our students are very aware of how others react to them, how they are treated, and the ways people talk about them and their diagnoses. Humans aren’t rational, but we are rationalizing creatures. We strive to make sense of our experiences by creating stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. In ways, this rationalization creates a frame within which a person contextualizes and understands themselves. 

About College Internship Program

The College Internship Program is a comprehensive transition program for young adults on the Autism Spectrum and with Learning Differences. Our Mission is to inspire independence and expand the foundation on which young adults with Autism, ADHD, and other Learning Differences can build happy and productive lives.

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