Our Students



Caroline is from Marin County, California. She is attending Long Beach City College and is working to obtain an AA certificate in Early Child Development. Caroline enrolled in CIP after high school and views CIP as a way to “have a college experience like her other friends but with extra support.”

When asked about her advice to someone considering programs like CIP, Caroline shared, “Try your very best. There are going to be ups and downs but you will get through the obstacles. Staff are making sure you have support and that you are thriving and being successful.”

Her special interests include being with friends, animals, and going to the beach. Caroline’s future goals include working with children, being independent in her own home, paying her own bills, and hopefully having a happy family.

When asked what CIP personally  means to her, Caroline commented, “CIP is family to me because all of us support one another which is incredible.”

CIP Long Beach