Coronavirus Information
Coronavirus Health & Safety Information
At CIP, we pride ourselves on being an extremely safe and healthy community. Our primary goal is to ensure the highest level of health and safety when factoring in the rapidly evolving changes and best practices within education, student housing, employment, socialization, and health and well-being.
The smaller size, specialization, and personal nature of our programs give us greater insight into the daily needs of our students and allows us to adapt more quickly than most educational institutions. There has never been a greater time for self-care, engagement, community, friendship and fun, and CIP will continue to deliver on that front.
The following policies are updated regularly and subject to change:
Full Year Programs
CIP’s comprehensive full-year transition programs are located across the US. Note that each CIP Center may be subject to different policies based on state and local guidance from health officials. The following are CIP’s standard policies which generally apply to all Centers when COVID rates are medium or high:
CIP has created a Six Point Plan for Health & Safety, a framework for addressing the evolving needs of COVID-19 within our educational setting to ensure the highest level of safety and health exist within our CIP communities.
1. Student Health & Hygiene
Goal: To help ensure students understand and practice key health and hygiene practices specific to COVID-19 and related diseases and to ensure a level of appropriate self-care is followed if experiencing symptoms or illness.
2. Staff COVID-19 Education & Response
Goal: To train staff members in best practices related to the prevention of COVID-19 and to provide support for students in following related health and hygiene practices.
3. Administrative & Student Services Protocols
Goal: To adapt and modify CIP’s physical settings, staffing structure, student programming, services, and supporting activities in order to retain our focus on student learning and engagement while providing a safe and healthy environment.
4. Collaboration with Federal, State, & Local Health Officials
Goal: To obtain expert guidance on an ongoing basis related to local community trends and resources and assistance in guiding CIP’s plans and decision making.
5. Contingency Plans
Goal: To clearly outline additional scenarios, triggering events, and related action plans in the case of serious business and/or program disruptions (such as discontinuation of on-site and in-residence services) specific to COVID-19 and related communicable diseases.
6. Communication Practices
Goal: To continue to review and revise internal and external communication practices and related communication channels as needed ensuring all parties continue to coordinate and stay informed on a timely basis.
All guest and visitors are subject to COVID-19 screening and approval processes when localized COVID rates are medium or high, including but not limited to:
- Pre-approval for visit
- Self-heath attestation prior to entry
- Social distancing and use of an appropriate facial mask
Effective March 25, 2022, mask use is optional at all CIP centers. This policy is in effect when COVID rates of transmission are considered “low”, and subject to change based on federal, state, and local guidance.
When a student travels off campus, CIP requires close coordination with the student and family to make proper preparations for departure and return.
CIP’s Return Screening Process checks in individually with each student and their family to review travel plans, CIP’s current policy’s, and related health and safety practices to help ensure our high level of health and safety standards continue to be met.
CIP’s Stay-over Policy gives current students the option to reside within their student housing during scheduled CIP non-programming periods. This can be beneficial for students who may have difficulty traveling during shorter breaks, are employed and want to continue working, or otherwise have a reasonable need to stay within their housing with limited staffing support. Stay-overs are permitted on a case-by-case basis. Note: Stay-overs for the Summer Term break for returning students are not permitted.
CIP currently hosting tours for prospective families and professionals by appointment only.
Tours and visits are subject to our health and safety policies including but not limited to self-health attestation, social distancing, and wearing facial masks, when applicable.
Please contact our National Admissions Office to schedule a visit or for more information. 877-566-9247 or
Summer Programs
Summer@CIP, our two-week in-person summer programs for high school sophomores to recent high school graduates are in-person. As always, interested applicants are encouraged to contact our admissions office to begin the process early.
All COVID-19 policies and procedures are consistent with CIP’s Full Year Program unless otherwise stated.
Please visit for more information on summer programs.